So yes you/ your family might be super chill about marriages but that is probably not true about your neighbor or your relatives or even (woop; if we go into mental regression alongside an economic one) your kids!
Yes. It sucks to see ourselves being reduced to a “type”. An entire nation narrowed down. They suck. Generalizations always do when you don’t naturally fit into the generalized idea and are forced to ‘compromise’ and ‘adjust’ by others.
There is no doubt that we pride ourselves for our progressive, rational thinking and it bites to see us portrayed like that but we are all complicit in some way.
Think of a choice. A wealthy man vs a man you have been dating from a lower caste + economically unstable. Say your parents prefer the first choice. So then there is no family hassle with the first choice, plus the added advantage of money -which let’s be real is important in life no matter how much you deny it on paper. Especially when you think of having children etc etc (they do be little monsters gobbling all of your money). And it is not easy to earn money man. When it boils down to it really think hard. What would you go for?
The soft persuasion, societal pressure, obligation to parents, social setup, your own blurred-by-listening-watching-others ideals, all of it guide your choices. In India our parents do so much for us. Maybe you feel indebted to return it in some way. To please them. So you make the choice they want. It is a sacrifice in a way. Bravery if one may say. And so you adopt their same old ideas, look through their lens.
It is this passing on of casteism- like genes-except it is done externally. Or of racism. So subtle. So scary.
How many friends do you have from a different economic background?
We all call out people so easily. But looking within is just as important. And it will be troubling, trust me, but if it isn’t troubling is it really progress?
If I have to think of it, I have zero friends from a very different economic status. I have no plans to get married at all but if I do I would prefer an Indian. Similar culture does make things easier. There is a basic level of commonality. Distantly shared experiences. Additionally, even if my parents are not engaged to the other family it would be nice to have both sides be amicable and comfortable.
I am not an expert to talk about sexism or racism. More so because I am afraid I might reduce myself to a hypocrite. I am not woke. I am just trying to be something I don’t know.
They want a slim, trim, tall, fair girl. Is that a horrible choice? Don’t think so. At first I thought isn’t that just choice? A matter of opinion? Slowly, I saw the pattern as the show progressed and realized that even if it is a so-called “choice” it is derived from the notions of beauty we hold. The ones we collectively believe.
If you are short you’re a stool, dark skin is damn uncool. Big nostrils make you look like a chimp, hairy arms do so too. Because it doesn’t matter if evolution impacted your brain, at least it made your body new.
What’s funny is- I am a tall person (compared to avg Indian height) but I have been told to ‘stop growing’ because ‘ladka nahi milega’. Sometimes I’m just confused what the society wants from us? Probably something we are not capable of being. Can’t shrink yo. Sorry.
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