Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Mom said listen to dad
And dad says to mom
Until society came in between to decide the norms

The same society that neglects self harm
But has made only two options do or die
The society that says speak the truth
But itself lies in lies

Where was this society when ma was ill
And dad was unfortunate
When we struggled
To survive the worst of our fate

Society exists where we want
And when we want
We see and hear what we want
A praise scold or a taunt

So what's the point
Of speaking in an undue affair
And caring and listening
For it is air , it is all air

So, let it go.

Global to local

Global to local

There's something deep inside us which influences our demeanour
Even when the world turns black
It keeps us fresh and greener

Just like a tree tht withstands
All the dust and dirt and heat
This 'something'
Keeps us strong on our feet

It keeps us real and raw
Like we would be initially
But it also lets us grow
Like we would love to be

I call them my roots
Locally strengthening
And letting globally expand
Though deep in the ocean
But a dune on the sand

Without roots
What is our then to now and now to then
My  past to present
And present to when
My here to there
And there to thus
Or local to global
Say, I must



We all hold a secret agenda
Though we are unaware
Or don't find about it
Because of the time we'd have to spare

But the reality is
The thing that is so engaging
Is the secret itself
Unknown yet so time consuming

Ever wondered what it could be
To resolve a dispute or a 15 billion fee?
No. Not really.

It is to know yourself
Truly and deeply
To learn to love life
However it may be

For when you do so
You'd realize
Often what we look for
Lies right in front of our eyes